Configuration: EMQX to RabbitMQ

Vaibhav Mishra
2 min readApr 18, 2020


What is EMQX??

EMQ X (Erlang/Enterprise/Elastic MQTT Broker) is open source IoT MQTT message broker. It is based on Erlang/OTP. MQTT is a lightweight message exchange protocol using publish-subscribe pattern. EMQX support TCP / SSL connection support.

What is RabbitMQ??

RabbitMQ is a message broker or queue manager or we can say itis software where queues are defined. In that queues we can store our message and after that consume for further processing.

Before applying these configurations make sure you installed EMQX and RabbitMQ in your system.

Install EMQX →

Install RabbitMQ →

Commands to establish this feature:

Run below command in terminal
$ rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_mqtt

Go to /etc/ location and insert below commands in emqx.conf file

## Bridge example

bridge.example.start_type = manual
bridge.example.reconnect_interval = 30s
bridge.example.address =
bridge.example.proto_ver = mqttv4
bridge.example.client_id = bridge_example
bridge.example.username = admin
bridge.example.password = password
bridge.example.clean_start = false
bridge.example.keepalive = 60s
bridge.example.mountpoint = bridge/example/${node}/

Forward Topics
bridge.example.forwards = onlight/#

Subscription of Topic on Remote Node
bridge.example.subscription.1.topic = turnon/#
bridge.example.subscription.1.qos = 1
bridge.example.mqueue_type = memory
bridge.example.max_pending_messages = 10000

After saving these configuration run below commands to publish and subscribe the message…

For Subscriber: mosquitto_sub -t turnon/# -p 1883 -d

For Publisher: mosquitto_pub -t turnon/1/do -m "ON" -d

Output of the Subscriber:
Client mosqsub|14801-vaibhav-I sending CONNECT
Client mosqsub|14801-vaibhav-I received CONNACK
Client mosqsub|14801-vaibhav-I sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: turnon/#, QoS: 0)
Client mosqsub|14801-vaibhav-I received SUBACK
Subscribed (mid: 1): 0
Client mosqsub|14801-vaibhav-I received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, ‘turnon/1/do’, … (2 bytes))
Client mosqsub|14801-vaibhav-I sending PINGREQ
Client mosqsub|14801-vaibhav-I received PINGRESP

Happy Coding…..



Vaibhav Mishra
Vaibhav Mishra

Written by Vaibhav Mishra

I am passionate software developer working in different technologies like Python, ML, Django and JavaScript.

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